6 Benefits of Having a Family Dentist

Family dentistry tackles oral health at every stage of life. Children have different dental needs than adults, and qualified family dentists deliver comprehensive oral care from baby teeth to permanent teeth.

Like general dentistry, family dentistry is concerned with oral hygiene and the health of teeth. However, a family dentist puts emphasis on the unique needs of children of all ages.

A few of the services offered by a family dentist are:

  • Regular cleanings
  • Fluoride treatments
  • Cavity identification and filling
  • Sealants
  • Orthodontics
  • Treatments for gum disease

Not only do family dentists understand how children's teeth change with age, but they also recognize that children may fear going to the dentist. Family dentists have a gentle approach so that children will develop positive associations with regular dental checkups and build healthy oral hygiene habits for life.

Here are six benefits of having a family dentist:

1. Convenience

Because family dentists are equipped to provide treatments to patients of all ages for various dental problems, the patient will not have to drive to several dental clinics to provide all family members with regular dental checkups. So, if the patient wants veneers, braces or implants, these cosmetic needs can be addressed in conjunction with dental hygiene. The family also benefits from going to one dental clinic for the needs of the entire household by eliminating travel time and simplifying management of care.

2. Appointments for your schedule

It is not uncommon for family dentists will work with the patient for an appointment time that suits the patient's lifestyle. For example, many family dentists are willing to take late appointments to accommodate the patient's needs.

3. Detection of dental problems

Consistent visits to a dentist office lead to early detection of dental problems. They perform examinations, X-rays and computer modeling that reveal predictions for oral issues. Some issues that can be detected early are attrition due to jaw irregularities, grinding and malocclusion.

4. Prevention

A family dental practice will give advice on how to avoid severe and general problems like tooth decay for adults and children. They also apply sealant and fluoride protections for the teeth.

5. Treatment

Of course, they are also responsible for taking care of dental problems such as overcrowding, misalignment and others. A dedicated practice will discuss with the patient their many treatment options. They will assist with a treatment plan that fits the patient's needs and is easy to manage considering the circumstances.

6. Education and updates

Family dentists will also instruct the patient about daily oral care, toothpaste selection, diet and other considerations to provide the best oral care. They will give updates about the family's oral health and the latest dentistry technologies and practices that can help the family's general oral care.

Knowing what a family dentist does can benefit the patient and their entire family when they seek out a dentist nearby. This is the first step towards early detection, prevention, treatment, education and convenience for the family's oral hygiene.

Request an appointment here: http://www.hendersonfamilydentistry.com or call Henderson Family Dentistry at (903) 657-3139 for an appointment in our Henderson office.

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