Missing Teeth Replacement Options from a Cosmetic Dentist

cosmetic dentist Henderson, TX

Looking for a cosmetic dentist to address your missing teeth problem? Smart. Even when someone is missing just one of their teeth, their overall oral health is no longer in good shape. That is because a healthy mouth is one that has a full set of teeth, making tooth replacement an essential dental procedure.

Why choose a cosmetic dentist?

Choosing a cosmetic dentist to replace teeth is a great idea, as this type of dental professional not only replaces teeth for good oral health reasons, but also keeps the aesthetic end result in mind. This means they will make sure that any teeth replaced look natural and blend in with the rest of the teeth, as this allows patients to experience an improved smile. Since there are many different options for replacing teeth due to advancements in the dental industry, understanding all of the options is the next step when in need of tooth replacement services.

Replacement options for missing teeth

The list below includes three of the more popular tooth replacement options dental patients are currently choosing.

Dental bridges

A dental bridge is one of the more common replacement options for those who are missing one or more of their teeth. Bridges are a fixed replacement option that can be used to replace missing teeth, as long there are still existing teeth on each side of where the missing teeth are. The neighboring teeth need to be prepared for the bridge, which requires the dentist to remove some of the tooth so that the dental bridge can fit over them. With today’s cosmetic options, it can be difficult to tell the difference between real teeth and the professionally made teeth that come with the dental bridge.

Dental implants

A dental implant is a tooth replacement option that many cosmetic dentists are using to replace patients who are missing any number of teeth. Implants not only replace teeth, they also provide a benefit that no other tooth replacement option offers – the ability to stimulate the jawbone once a tooth’s root is no longer there. This stimulation supports a healthy jawbone. Because the implant is surgically inserted into the jawbone, it not only acts just like a natural tooth, but it also looks like a natural tooth.


There are a few different types of dentures to choose from, allowing patients who are in need of dentures some options. Partial dentures and full dentures are two of the more common types of dentures used, and the type one needs is dependent on how many teeth they are missing. There are also different types of dental materials used to make dentures, making it necessary for those considering dentures as their tooth replacement option to learn their different material choices.

In need of missing tooth replacement?

Ready to get replacement advice from a cosmetic dentist? The longer one waits to replace any of their missing teeth, the more problems they will incur. This makes it necessary for those who are missing teeth to make a dental appointment as soon as possible to learn which of the many replacement options is going to work for them. Any questions? Please contact us for more information.

Are you considering a cosmetic dentist in the Henderson area? Get more information at http://www.hendersonfamilydentistry.com.

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